Training Development

Hongan Group

The training and development of human resources refers to meeting the needs of the company's continuous development, in order to improve the knowledge and skills of employees, improve the working attitude of employees, enable employees to be qualified for their own work and continue to innovate, taking into account the development goals of the organization. A series of planned, organized learning and training activities for employees based on their personal development goals.

In the traditional theory period, training is based on the development of personal skills and attitudes, and less consideration of the relationship between individuals and others, or individuals and groups; training in the theoretical stage of behavioral science, in addition to continuing the development of individual technology and attitudes in the traditional theory period In addition, more emphasis is placed on the relationship between employees and others; by the 1960s, training theory entered the period of system theory. The most important basic assumption of system theory is the openness of the system to the external environment, and the organization as a An open system with special emphasis on adaptation and communication between systems and systems. After the 1990s, organizing training work can be said to be an independent development stage without a fixed model.

Training as a research topic is first carried out in the field of psychology and scientific management. Subsequently, with the development of management science theory, the training theory has experienced three development stages: training in the traditional theory period, training in the behavioral science period, and training in the system theory period.

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